Sunday, February 10, 2008

Girls Night

Last night I went out with the girls to celebrate my birthday. It was so fun to get together with everyone. We went to BJ's and then we went to see Fools Gold. So I don't know what I thought of the movie. I spent most of the time twisting and turning in my seat trying to get comfortable. I think that was more due to the fact that the girl behind me kept kicking my chair. I left the theater wondering if I liked the movie or not. I'm still wondering whether I would recomend it to someone. In the show Best Week Ever they make fun of Mathew Mcconaughey's eye acting which kind of helped ruin the movie for me. I felt dumb as I sat there laughing about the over the top eyes and people would look at me like this isn't a funny part why are you laughing. Over all I think I was more bored than entertained by the movie. And of course no girls night would be complete without some crazy making me call the cops. You all know about the masterbater from the last girls night. Well as Jacille and I were driving home a girl runs in front of the truck screaming help me as some ghetto thug life guy was chasing her. We turned around and called the cops. Rocklin cops sent every officer they had. I think they were excited about some action. We stayed with the girl until the cops came. Apparently she had gone to a concert with this guy and he told her he could kill her and throw her in the bushes and no one would know where she was. She says he then unhooked her seatbelt and pushed her out of the car. Like a dummy he stayed pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the cops to arrive. So I don't know how true her story really was. She seemed like she was in a panic when she was trying to get us to pull over but her story kept changing so many times. So it was an eventful night and calling 911 on my cell phone worked. I got right through.