Monday, February 11, 2008

Kill me now...

Between Troy's warrant for $6,000, city fines, the rain (which finally stopped so my husband can go to work) you would think Heavenly Father would say "Janis has had enough for the moment let's give her a break." oh no. I have reached my limit. I am as we speak sharpening my best knife to slit my wrists. I borrowed my sister's pressure cooker to try it out. As I was cooking Irelynn kept disobeying me so I sent her to time out. Right away she started crying that she needed to go potty. Thinking that she was just trying to manipulate me into getting off time out I told her I don't care pee your pants you are staying there. Next thing I know she did infact pee her pants. As I am dealing with the pee all over the bench, floor and inside Troy's work boots (I'm glad she peed inside the boot. It's a little comic relief from my terrible night!) I start to smell something burning. My dinner totally burned and now I have to scour my sister's pot like mad or buy her a new pot. Side note we researched it online to see what gets off burnt food and apparently soaking it over night in a little water and a dryer sheet is supposed to take it right off. I'll let you know. Irelynn then proceeds to tell me "mom you told me to pee my pants and that's bad. You should've told me to go to the bathroom because it's bad to pee your pants..." Why did she have to pick now to start to listen to what I tell her to do. I need to be taken to the back and put out of my misery


Andrea Wiseman said...

ha ha-what sucks about that is it was your fault-I mean the pee thing. The dryer sheet thing does work-I've done it on gless baking dishes with stuff totally caked on.

Andrea said...

I am so sorry Janis. It does seem like everything happens at the same time and when you are so stressed out the little things seem SO much worse. Tell Troy to start behaving since you can't afford his bad behavior anymore :) If you ever need a get-a-way and chance to feel like your life isn't so crazy, come visit our crazy house!!!

Craig, Sarah, Liv & Sev said...


I hate to say that this particular post on your blog sent me into extreme comic relief! I love the way you put things. You are hilarious! I'm sorry to hear of all of your troubles! When it rains it pours! Maybe you are about to win a million dollars. You know... you are tested the most when something really great is approaching!

I miss you!

Happy 30th Birthday! Can you believe that we are 30! Are we going to have start going to the salon to get our face hairs removed?
