Friday, December 14, 2007

Dying Young

I've always thought I would die of cancer. I'm paranoid of getting it. I don't know how many different types of cancers I've already had in my mind. Each time Troy has to tell me go back to bed you don't have cancer. Well I am no long worried about dying of cancer since I am positive I will die of a heart attack. Between my husband and 2 girls who love to love to play tricks on me and worry me I'm sure my heart won't be able to last a lifetime with them. Troy loves to pretend he has been in a car accident or that Kalaya drowned or what ever he thinks would be entertaining at the time. Irelynn hasn't done anything to me YET, but she is showing signs. Troy called the other day to talk to me and she answered the phone. When he asked to talk to me she told him with a straight face "mommy isn't here she's shopping. I'm all by myself babysitting Kalaya." Kalaya as you know likes to pretend to drown. Well she has found a new game. I put her in her high chair and she started choking on some bread so I come rushing over worried that she is dying. She got it out of her throat by herself but realized that pretending to choke was a fun game to torment mom. She let's out a sound like she is choking (which sounds totally real. not like she is pretending) and she keeps her mouth opened wide looking at me with round eyes. It's weird that it is just born in them. She doesn't continue making sounds nor does she close her mouth. If she did either of those things I would know she was just joking but since she does it the way she does I feel like I have to look everytime. My poor heart....


Andrea Wiseman said...

ok remind me to tell you the craziest story about my uncle scaring my aunt-it's insane.

Jeni said...

Oh Troy!
Janis, don't die.

Craig, Sarah, Liv & Sev said...

Sounds like your girls are a lot like someone else I know :)