Thursday, January 17, 2008


I know it's been awhile since I've written life has been boring. This weekend however we are finally getting a break away from the kids. We are going to Reno for a friend's birthday. I should be excited for the upcoming freedom but I'm not. In fact I am more sad thinking about not being with my girls all weekend. I don't know how people can just take off and leave their kids for a week. It's crazy that when there is no opportunity I dream about sleeping in, of not hearing the word "mom" for a day and not playing resturant to a picky 4 year old. Now that I have one I don't want to leave. I know it's only for 2 1/2 days and I know they will have more fun with Troy's sister than they would at home with me but I can't stop from missing them already and we haven't even left. Some how this freedom doesn't seem like freedom at all.


Jeni said...

I just took a weekend away and the first day was really hard. Hopefully after that, you will get into it and have a great time!

Andrea said...

You are such a great Mom!!! Kaylee is going to Utah with my parents for 5 days and I have been not so secretly counting down. She is wearing me out. I need a few days to recharge my patience. Hope you guys have a great time.