Friday, November 20, 2009

First Kiss

So Irelynn came home from school the other day and told us that while her and Ty were hiding in the bushes he kissed her on the lips! She said she told the yard duty and the yard duty told her to stay out of the bushes because there are bugs and spiders and we said "ya and boys that kiss you stay out of the bushes" Troy told her to smack Ty if he tries it again and tell him to wait until she's 16 and then later he told her 20 to which she responded "you said 16 first" I saw Ty's parents at school yesterday so I said "what's up with your cassonova son kissing my daughter and they said ya we asked him why he kissed Irelynn and he said " She's just so cute I couldn't help it!" She made me tell her that 4 times and when I asked her if she wanted to stay home today (because I dont feel like picking her up at 12:55 because it's in the middle of Cy's nap) She was like nope I want to go talk to Ty about what you told me....REally? First grade? Oi vey! This will be rough when she is a teenager